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What to Expect

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Our Sunday School/Bible Study classes start at 9:30am and go for 1 hour. The classrooms are located downstairs. Following Sunday School we have a fellowship time upstairs in the foyer. There is coffee available during this time. Our main service begins at 11am and usually runs about an hour and 15 minutes.

Our main service begins with worship in singing of both contemporary songs and hymns for about 1/2 hour, after that the children are released for children's church downstairs, and the pastor preaches a sermon. We are a relaxed group and attire is casual.

All are welcome to join!


Service Times

Sunday School  Sunday 9:30 am

Fellowship time  Sunday 10:30 am

Worship Service  Sunday 11:00 am

AWANA  Wednesday 6:30 pm (Sept. -May)


14095 SE King Rd
Portland, OR 97086
